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Proposal Structure


1. Research Question and Motivation

2. Methodology

3. Thesis Structure

4. Project Plan


Proposed Thesis Structure


A: Introduction

A.1 Research Question

A.2 Relevance for Theory and Practice

A.3 Methodology

A.4 Thesis Structure


B: Theoretical Part

(depending on the methodology chosen)


C: Empirical Part

(depending on the methodology chosen)


D: Conclusions

D.1 Summary of Findings

D.2 Limitations

D.3 Contributions to Theory and Practice

D.4 Implications for Theory and Practice


Supervised Master Theses


96. Franz Martina (2024): Success factors and challenges in digital transformation of traditional companies: A case study. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


95. Sebastian Boeck (2024). Elite quality and sustainable development: How does elite quality relate to progress made towards achieving the SDGs? MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


94. Sandra Frei (2024). The value creation of housing, cryptocurrency, and private equity elite business models: Conceptual development and empirical analysis. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


93. Pierre Stankovic (2024): The never-ending transformation of the music industry ecosystem. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


92. Anne Sophie Sollbach (2024): Vertriebskultur als Erfolgsfaktor: Fallbeispiel der Unternehmen adesso und nobilia. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.                                             


91. Ismail Osman (2024): Entry strategies for the Swiss ERP software market. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


90. Maud Overney (2024). The ethical implications of influencer marketing. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


89. Kieran-Lee Russell (2024): Profit, investment, and business confidence amidst and after the Covid-19 pandemic: Analyzing the Swiss business in China survey 2023. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


88. Romane Lanzos (2024): How do organizations currently balance the use of data-driven marketing with concerns about privacy and ethics? MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


87. Michael Meier and Adrian von Moos (2024). Asian market entry strategy for a Swiss leather goods company with sustainability at its core. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


86. Hamid Mohagheghi and Michel Rudolf von Rohr (2024). Digital horizon 2030: The future of payment systems in Switzerland. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


85. Carlos Cáceres Heinz and Siegfried Roemer (2024). New land economy: Vanguard for agricultural transformation in Venezuela. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


84. Tamara Hofer, Michael Schümperli, and Stephan Zumbühl (2024). Dimensions of shaping: A framework for collaborations between corporations and start-ups. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


83. Hamed Celaymanian and Saravanan Kondu Sennappan (2024). Business model innovation through decentralized AI at zero-cost horizon. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


82. Ismini Triantafyllidi (2024). Climate crisis catalyst: Driving technological advancements in the

construction industry for a sustainable future. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


81. Deborah Haller, Oxana Hoffmann, and Igor Ismagilov (2024). Developing a scalable VR SaaS marketplace for psychological wellbeing. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


80. Annabelle Weber (2024). Information technology as a catalyst in enhancing sustainability disclosure at Siemens. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


79. Oscar Scheuner (2023). Implementing sustainable practices in global supply chain management –

challenges and solutions. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


78. Yves Baldegger (2023): A market entry strategy for a digital sustainable product – The case of Simon Josef. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


77. Gabriel Cortes (2023). Die öffentliche Verwaltung im digitalen Wandel: Eine Vergleichsstudie der Schweiz mit Dänemark und Singapur. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


76. Nicolas Rotzetter (2023): Funktionalitäten und Anforderungen einer mandantenfähigen Vertragsverwaltungssoftware für KMU. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


75. Mattias Fregelius (2023): VacMe als elektronisches Impfdossier. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


74. Sabrina Schenk (2023): Implementierung von Agilität in der Strategieentwicklung der öffentlichen Verwaltung am Beispiel der Eidgenössischen Steuerverwaltung. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


73. Aaron von Conta (2023): Corporate governance of scaling organizations. EMBA Thesis Technical University of Munich.


72. Marc-Antoine Dietrich (2023): Toward a sustainable value creation rating approach: The climate dimension. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


71. Bogdana Auezova (2023): Digital transformation of the business event industry. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


70. Cornelia Küttel and Eveline Trachsel (2023): Which aspects of a digital health data ecosystem drive the quality of interactions between patients and health care professionals in the Swiss hospital environment? EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


69. Elias Castson (2023): Evaluating immersive branded experiences in the virtual economy. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


68. James Campbell and Michel Tinguely (2023): Evaluating immersive branded experiences in the virtual economy. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


67. John Barry, Tomi Lovrenovic, and Marek Zarycki (2023): From hybrid to co-working:  Maximizing resource sharing and efficiency. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


66. Liliana Dolic and Waldemar Spengler (2023): Reimagining financial services in the era of the metaverse and the digital economy. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


65. Melek AtesAndré Brunner, and Martin Waldburger (2023): Swiss corporate banking’s established approach faces challenges and innovations. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


64. Shiyan Yu (2023): Metaverse casinos: An examination of the feasibility of metaverse casinos in the Swiss market. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


63. Fabian Plattner (2022): How successful are established networking methods in today’s world? EMBA Thesis Technical University Munich.


62. Simon Bühler (2023): Are virtual concerts here to stay? An analysis of the influence of virtual concerts on the live music industry. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


61. Cyril Winkler (2022): Strategic challenges in the luxury fashion industry. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


60. Rabea Würth (2022): Rule of law and inclusive political economies: Comparative elite quality measurements of institutional change. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


59. Tanja Odermatt (2022): Lösungsvorschlag zur Förderung des Schweizer Vereinssports. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


58. Jan Erik Persolja (2022): Gamification of complex economic ideas for educational purposes. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


57. Orphee Mounga (2022): The challenges of remotely developed teams during post-merger integration. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


56. Su Fang (2022): How to accelerate digital transformation? Lessons learned from Chinese enterprises. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


55. Alessandro Palese and Sandra Camargo (2022): Digital platform for healthcare professionals. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


54. Amine Bentaleb and Arjan Dzeladini (2022): Investment styles and company valuation in the digital age. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


53. Tommy Clausen (2022): Real estate ecosystem platforms in Switzerland. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


52. Kokulan Vivekanathan (2022): A real disruptor or just luck? The case of easyCab. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


51. Srinivas Godugunuri (2022): Digital banking services safety and impact on customers. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


50. Florian Schönknecht (2022): Regulatory tools facilitating the legal accountability of senior leaders of banks in Switzerland. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


49. David Stienne (2022): The role of ethical hackers in boosting an enterprise security mindset. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


48. Thomas Bär (2021): The productization and monetization of narratives. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


47. Marc-Antoine Dietrich (2021): Strategic analysis of the position of sustainable investment funds. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


46. Nicolas Werner (2021): Toward a value creation rating for organizations: Extending CSR and Corporate Governance concepts. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


45. Nora Vasadi (2021): The effectiveness of the Corporate Governance frameworks in lean-agile organizations. EMBA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


44. Daniel Suetterlin (2021): Digital healthcare status quo of Switzerland in comparison with two leading nations. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


43. Daniel Trachsler (2021): Positioning Geneva as a global hub in digital governance - Potential, challenges, and recommendations. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


42. Teodorovic Ninoslav (2021): Patientenportal als Wegbereiter für die digitale Transformation des Patienten Engagement. Eine kritische Analyse der Machbarkeit eines Patientenportals am Beispiel der Universitätsklinik Balgrist. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


41. Michael Weiss (2021): Identification of digital interaction opportunities at selected customer touchpoints in the pre-purchase phases. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


40. Elgin Hero Francisco (2021): Digitalization in shoe retailing - The case of Vonlanthen Schuhe Ltd. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


39. Patrick Mauron (2021): Stakeholder value creation through coopetition in the digital ecosystem of the crowd balancing platform “EQUIGY”. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


38. Federico Gioia (2021): Building a responsible investment platform - An exploratory assessment of a case in the Uruguayan cattle industry. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


37. Martina Dabo (2021): How can intermediaries help to fill the gap of institutional voids in emerging markets? EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


36. Christina Strasser (2021): Worldwide rollout of a scanning device with localization connection at BMW final assembly. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


35. Stefan Schmid (2021): Evaluation of a business model for the healthcare industry on the example of a Smart Autoinjector eco-system. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


34. Tanya Schild and Janine Lüscher (2020): Digitale Transformation – Anforderungen an die Einführung eines digitalen Systems für das strategische Public Real Estate Management. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


33. Fei Feng and Andreas Schmitt (2020): Auswirkung des Digitalisierungsgrads auf Innovation und Effizienz. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


32. Bruno Zimmermann and Michael Zürcher (2020): Maximizing Innovation Opportunities of US Biotech in Switzerland. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


31. Patrik Busslinger and Patrick Strebel (2020): Entwicklung eines Governance-Frameworks zur Beurteilung der Agilität von Unternehmen. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


30. Rea Leu and Martin Müller (2020): Innovation management at Novocure. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


29. Raphael Ramensperger (2020): VRP-Anforderungsprofil bei Swiss Market Index Expanded Unternehmen. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


28. Kevin Rüdisüli (2020): Generation Z and Brand Management. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


27. Maximilian Kinzel (2020): The role of foreign directors in the airline sector – a contingency perspective. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


26. Andreas Rupp und Reto Zengaffinen (2019): Survival of the Fittest: Warum wenige Startups erfolgreich sind und viele scheitern. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


25. Bernhard Attinger und Patrick Droste (2019): Innovation des Geschäftsmodells einer Organisation und Darstellung des Wertsteigerungspotentials am Beispiel der Sonova AG. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


24. Florian Ehrler (2019): The Board of Directors and strategic change in times of digitalization: The importance of the composition and digital dynamic capabilities. MA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


23. Michael Böhler and Benedikt Kronig (2018): Vergleichsstudie von Plattformen im Internet of Things an Beispielen vom Eisenbahngüterverkehr und dem kartenbasierten Zahlungsverkehr. EMBA Thesis University of Zurich.


22. Alice Jiang, Barbara Calderón, and Jialu Zhu (2018): Stereotypes and team performance. The perception of Chinese in the work environment. MA Thesis University of Zurich.


21. Shesan Khan (2017): Shareholder activism: An in-depth analysis of hedge fund activism particularities on a global scale and its outreach to Switzerland. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


20. Fanny Soerensen (2017): The impact of the environment on entrepreneurship: A comparative case study of start-ups in Vietnam and Switzerland. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


19. Jasmin Malmberg (2017): The impact of company size on corporate B2B brand management – The case of the Valuable Machinery Goods industry in Switzerland. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


18. Anahita Sedaghat (2017): An assessment of the strategies of multinational corporations in overcoming human capital gaps when entering an emerging market – The case of Iran. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


17. Julia Souto (2016): Global Latinas – The case of Brazilian emerging market players. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


16. Camilla Belfiore (2015): Diversification of business groups in emerging markets – The case of India. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


15. Que Linjuan (2015): The internationalization of emerging market MNCs – The case of the Chinese telecommunication industry. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


14. Luise Pasqua (2015): Development of a typology of emerging market multinational corporations. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


13. Tina Balmer (2014): Die strategische Ausrichtung der Personalabteilungen in Schweizer KMU – Eine empirische Fallanalyse. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


12. Marco Groth (2013): Internationalization of Swiss small and medium sized enterprises to emerging markets. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


11. Stefanie Wiederkehr (2013): Humankapitalfaktoren von Schweizer KMU als Voraussetzung für die erfolgreiche Internationalisierung in aufstrebende Märkte. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


10. Stefania Varano (2013): The economics of intermediation – The case of the graduate recruiting market.  MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


9. Michael Cressier (2012): Strategy innovation in a local cluster – The case of the winemaking industry. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


8. Philippe Zenhäusern (2011): Market strategies in emerging countries – The case of Sika in India. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


7. Aya Kato (2011): Internationalization patterns of Chinese companies in emerging markets – The case of the construction industry. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


6. Zdenka La Rosa (2010): Business model innovation. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


5. David Studer (2008): Line of sight – The understanding of strategy among employees. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


4. Esther Herzog (2008): The role of customers in the strategy process. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


3. Andrea Stucki (2008): Open innovation in the service industry. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


2. Stéphanie Fussen (2007): Stakeholder management in the multinational firm. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


1. Jean-Marc Mamin (2007): Co-evolution of strategies – The case of two leading Swiss-based global wealth management firms. MA Thesis University of Fribourg.


Supervised Bachelor Theses


8. Nicolas Goumaz (2024): The internationalization of higher education institutions - The rush to Singapore. BA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


7. Jelle Christianus Corneel Van der Schoot (2024): Valuing startups: The core factors driving the B2B SaaS boom. BA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


6. Christian Mattia Masek (2023): Private equity in Southeast Asia. BA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


5. Stefan Schorb (2022): Vergleich der deutschen und chinesischen Mobilitätsökosysteme in urbanen Gegenden. BA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


4. Etienne Dalle (2021): Understanding customer channel selection in an omnichannel environment – a cross-cultural analysis of Switzerland and China. BA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


3. Ruben Burdin (2021): Reducing churn rate in a SaaS startup. BA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


2. Noah Sigrist (2020): Expanding into Vietnam – Strategy comparison of European and Chinese manufacturing companies. BA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


1. Loris Vinci (2019): The future of retail: Building a customer-centric business ecosystem. BA Thesis University of St. Gallen.


Supervised Certificate Theses


89. Christian Biedermann (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


88. Marc Brachat (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


87. Petra Geiser (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


86. Pietro Giovanoli (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


85. André Hofstetter (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


84. Stefan Imhof (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


83. Erik Neumann (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


82. Mattia Regi (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


81. Annette Reutzel (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


80. Dominique Sigl und Martin Wechsler (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


79. Rolf Steiner (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


78. Stefan Vogt (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


77. Christian Baumgartner (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


76. Renzo Davatz (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


75. Stéphane Dufour (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


74. Olivier Emery (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


73. Daniela Karelse (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


72. Anja Lagodny (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


71. Petra Molan (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


70. Sabine Moravi (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


69. Philippe Richard (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


68. Marianne Späne (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


67. Elisabeth Stampa (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


66. Beatrix Werlen (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


65. Sabine Heller (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


64. Michael Kuhn (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


63. Laurence Kübli (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


62. Arnold Lang (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


61. Philipp Martens (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


60. Emilie Neukomm (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


59. Marco Righetti (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


58. Urs Schleuchter (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


57. Felix Weber (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


56. Serge Wolf (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


55. Matija Nuic (2023): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


54. Andy Böckli and Juraj Kis (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


53. Franco Cerminara (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


52. Isabelle Dinner (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


51. Ivo Husi (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


50. Matthias Frei (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


49. Michele Pedrocchi (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


48. Pascal Marquis (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


47. Roman Rüttimann (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


46. Thomas Geier (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


45. Thomas Keller (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


44. Thomas Stadelmann (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


43. Thomas Zellweger (2022): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


42. Amédée Mursier (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


41. Antonia Jann (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


40. Benedikt Koch (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


39. Christof Schmid (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


38. Daniel Abt (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


37. Donat Baur (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


36. Ilario Deana (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


35. Jürg Schenker (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


34. Luigi di Cola (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


33. Markus Guggenbühler (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


32. Moritz Gubler (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


31. Rainer Suter (2021): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


30. Astrid Baron (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


29. Bruno Haug (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


28. Bruno Hensler (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


27. Daniel Bischof (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


26. Daniel Wenger (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


25. Felix Hofstetter (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


24. Hans Ulrich Lehmann (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


23. Jean-Daniel Neuenschwander (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


22. Karl Schädler (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


21. Markus Schommer (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


20. Nadja Nabholz (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


19. Oliver Oexl (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


18. Serafim Papathanassiou (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


17. Stefanie Kahle-Galonske (2020): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


16. Adrian Ill (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


15. Alberto Romanatti (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


14. Christian Stegemann (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


13. Daniela Lutz Müller (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


12. Dirk Reznik (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


11. Marcel Lötscher (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


10. Marco Vettiger (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


9. Marius Krämer (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


8. Christian Broger (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


7. Felix Furer (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


6. Kurt Ritz (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


5. Laurent Schlaefli (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


4. Mirjam Fröhli (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


3. Niklaus Blaser (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


2. Ralf Ries (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.


1. Wolfgang Merz (2019): CAS Thesis University of St. Gallen.






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