Social Media
Articles and Book Chapters
Hilb, M. (2024): Corporate governance and sustainable value creation: Metrics for accountability and ethical leadership. In Value Creation Ratings Pilot Report 2024, 58-59. Anthem Press, London, UK.
Hilb, M. (2024): Switzerland: A surprisingly stable and sustainably strong runner-up. In Elite Quality Report 2024, 94. Seismo, Zurich, CH.
Korine, H. and Hilb, M. (2023): Caso práctico. Hilti, Møller-Maersk y Nestlé: reinterpretando el papel del Consejo de Administración. Harvard Deusto Business Review, 336, September, 71-76.
Hilb, M. (2023): From corporate governance of sustainability to sustainable corporate governance. In Governance of sustainability: The role of the board of directors and management in sustainable value creation. 9-16. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2023): The multipurpose corporation as a driver for sustainable value creation. In Governance of sustainability: The role of the board of directors and management in sustainable value creation. 54-61. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2023): Resilience and vulnerability in the Swiss elite system: Fostering a Daedalus mentality to prevent another Icarus moment. In Elite Quality Report 2023, 94-95. Seismo, Zurich, CH.
Hilb, M. (2023): The Swiss elite model under siege - Daring more Daedalus mentality to prevent another Icarus moment. Board Perspectives, April 4.
Hilb, M. (2022): In praise of acapreneurship: Aspiring for the best of both worlds by spanning the boundaries of academia and entrepreneurship. In Academic and Educational Entrepreneurship, Aldogan Eklund, M. and Wanzenried, G (eds.). 153-158. Springer, Cham, CH.
Hilb, M. (2022): Mission accomplished? The state of digital governance in 2022. In The Corporate Governance Dialogue 2022. 29-32. Ecoda, Brussels, BE.
Korine, H. and Hilb, M. (2022): Reinterpreting the role of the board of directors. Think. London Business School. August 2.
Hilb, M. (2022): Circular capitalism’s principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity enrich the elite quality index project. In Elite Quality Report 2022, 110. Seismo, Zurich, CH.
Hilb, M. (2021): From corporate to ecosystem governance. In Governance of Ecosystems, Hilb, M. 11-22. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2021): Multidextrous strategy – How to excel in platform-driven ecosystems. In Governance of Ecosystems, Hilb, M. 33-42. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2021): The power of power in shaping organizations. In Governance of Ecosystems, Hilb, M. 53-63. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2021): Agile Governance – Wunsch, Wirklichkeit und Wirkungsansätze: Gedanken zur Stärkung der Vereinbarkeit von agilen Führungsgrundsätzen mit den Prinzipien effektiver Corporate Governance. In Ein Kunstflug durch das Recht und die Governance, Geiser, T. et al. 217-228. Dike, Zurich, CH.
Casas, T., Hilb, M. and Lim, A. (2021): Maintaining pole position along different paths – An examination of the quality of elites and their influence on value creation. The Business Times. March 23.
Casas, T., Hilb, M. and Lim, A. (2021): Singapur und die Schweiz – zwei unterschiedliche Wege zu einer nachhaltigen und inklusiven Wertschöpfung. Neue Zürcher Zeitung. March 26.
Hilb, M. (2021): Circular capitalism: Unlocking the power of ownership and citizenship through stewardship. SN Business & Economics 1, 14, 1-7.
Hilb, M. (2020): Toward artificial governance? The role of artificial intelligence in shaping the future of corporate governance. Journal of Management and Governance. 24, 851–870.
Hilb, M. (2020): Venture governance – The hidden value driver of entrepreneurial value creation. In Governance of Ventures, Hilb, M. 11-23. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2020): Cracking the collaboration codes – How to succeed in ecosystems. In Governance of Ventures, Hilb, M. 97-106. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2019): Unlocking the board’s data-value challenge. Directorship, May/June, 60-61.
Hilb, M. (2018): Utilizing data and platforms – How SMUs can benefit from the benefits offered by digitalization (translation of NZZ article). Medium, August 28.
Hilb, M. (2018): Daten nutzen und Plattformen errichten – wie KMU von den Chancen der Digitalisierung profitieren können. Neue Zürcher Zeitung. August 23, 10.
Hilb, M. (2017): Toward an integrated framework for governance of digitalization. In Governance of Digitalization, Hilb, M. 11-21. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2017): The co-evolution of digital ecosystems: Who wins the battle for global dominance in the digital space? In Governance of Digitalization, Hilb, M. 108-114. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (2017): Tracking 5 key e-commerce trends in Southeast Asia for 2018. Linkedin, December 12.
Hilb, M. (2017): Who wins the battle for global dominance in the digital space? Linkedin, August 2.
Hilb, M. (2017): The five golden rules of market expansion in a no-line human-to-human age. Linkedin, May 23.
Hilb, M. (2017): E-commerce in Asia: Will South East Asia be the next China? Linkedin, January 5.
Casas, T. and Hilb, M. (2016): Founders in the living-dead trap: A theoretical exploration at entrepreneurship’s dark core. Entrepreneurship Research Journal. 6, 4, 401-423.
Hilb, M. (2016): Understanding strategic opportunities and challenges. Fantree News. 17.
Hilb, M. (2016): Strategy: Innovate for success. Fantree News. 17.
Hilb, M. (2015): Foreign entry mode choices of emerging market multinationals: The role of institutional voids in shaping strategic cognition. In Advances in International Management, Tihany, L.; Banalieva, E.; Devinney, T. and Pedersen. T, 28th edition. 471–502. Emerald, Bingley, UK.
Hilb, M. and Casas i Klett, T. (2015): Towards a construct of entrepreneurial strategizing – The case of private equity. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing. 7, 1, 84–101.
Hilb, M. (2014): Capturing digital growth opportunities. Fantree News. 14, 14-15.
Hilb, M. (2014): Venture capital. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, Cooper, C.L. Volume 6, International Management, 3rd edition, 425-426. Wiley, London, UK.
Hilb, M. (2014): Aufstrebender innerasiatischer Handel – Chancen und Risiken für europäische KMU. In Versprechen und Realität – Herausforderungen für Unternehmen in Ost- und Südostasien, Schönenberger, T. 39-47. Wolfsberg Script, Ermatingen, CH.
Hilb, M. (2013): Corporate social innovation discourse – Towards an integration of complementary theoretical perspectives. International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management. 4, 2, 170-184.
Hilb, M. (2013): Strategy: Updating our strategy for sustainable, profitable growth. Fantree News. 12, 22-23.
Hilb, M. (2012): The virtue of virtual buyouts – What publicly listed companies can learn from private equity. In Asset Management, Frick, R.; Gantenbein, P. and Reichling, P. 575-585. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Altherr, H.; Hilb, M.; Korine, H. and Pfister, G. (2012): Ein Swiss Fund als Beitrag zur Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Neue Zürcher Zeitung. May 10, 21.
Hilb, M. (2012): Strategy: Innovate for success. Fantree News. 7, 24-25.
Hilb, M. (2012): Strategy: Looking forward to the next successful decade. Fantree News. 7, 20-21.
Hilb, M. (2012): Strategy: Defining an industry. Fantree News. 6, 21-22.
Hilb, M. and Casas i Klett, T. (2010): Entrepreneurial strategizing: Risk vs. uncertainty dialectics bridging the entrepreneurship/strategy divide – The case of private equity. In Strategic entrepreneurship – The promise for future entrepreneurship, family business and SME research? Fueglistaller, U.; Volery, T. and Weber, W. KMU Verlag University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, CH.
Casas i Klett, T. and Hilb, M. (2010): The living-dead trap: Non-rationally sustained ventures – A keystone to elucidate entrepreneurial decision-making. In Strategic entrepreneurship – The promise for future entrepreneurship, family business and SME research? Fueglistaller, U.; Volery, T. and Weber, W. KMU Verlag University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen, CH.
Gerundino, D. and Hilb, M. (2010): The ISO methodology – Assessing the economic benefits of standards. ISO Focus+. 6, 10-16.
Studer, D. and Hilb, M. (2010): Innovationen verankern – Strategieverständnis individuell einschätzen und entwickeln. Alpha. 37, 4.
Grünig, R. and Hilb, M. (2009): Kapitalismus auf dem Prüfstand. Finanz und Wirtschaft. 27, 25.
Hilb, M. (2008): Corporate Governance und Corporate Citizenship: Der Verwaltungsrat als Motor von Sozialinnovationen. In Corporate Governance – Zur personalen und sozialen Dimension: 44 Statements aus Wissenschaft und Praxis, Wunderer, R. 172-175. Luchterhand, Berlin, DE.
Henkel, C. and Hilb, M. (2008): Zielgerichtet den strategischen Erfolg ansteuern. IO Management. 7-8, 40-43.
Korine, H. and Hilb, M. (2024): Leading the family business through succession: How different generations create value together. Kogan Page, London, UK.
Grichnik, D., Hess, M. Reuther, J., Stöckel, A. and Hilb, M. (2024): The corporate venturing handbook: A step-by-step guide to the value creation process. Kogan Page, London, UK.
Hilb, M. (ed.) (2023): Governance of sustainability: The role of the board of directors and management in sustainable value creation. Haupt, Bern, CH.
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Hilb, M. (ed.) (2021): Governance of ecosystems: The role of governance in collaborative value creation. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (ed.) (2020): Governance of ventures: The role of venture boards, entrepreneurs and investors in entrepreneurial value creation. Haupt, Bern, CH.
Hilb, M. (ed.) (2018): Governance of digitalization: The role of boards of directors and top management teams in digital value creation. Haupt, Bern, CH. 2nd edition.
Hilb, M. (ed.) (2017): Governance of digitalization: The role of boards of directors and top management teams in digital value
creation. Haupt, Bern, CH. 1st edition.
Hilb, M. (2005): Corporate impact innovation: Pathways to sustainable value creation. BF, St. Gallen, CH.
Hilb, M. (2005): Corporate social impact innovation: An empirical study of corporate citizenship initiatives in Swiss-based multinational firms. Doctoral thesis. University of St. Gallen, CH.
Case Studies
Casas, T. and Hilb, M. (2015): Shanzhai Swiss-Style: Bühler’s partnering strategy in China. University of St. Gallen case study 315-352-1.
Casas, T. and Hilb, M. (2015): Shanzhai Swiss-Style: Bühler’s partnering strategy in China. University of St. Gallen teaching note 315-352-8.
Casanova, L.; Traca, D.; Hilb, M. and Roitstein, F. (2005): Intel in Costa Rica – A success story. INSEAD case study 205-092-1.
Elite Quality Index Report (FVC)
Michael Hilb contributed to the Elite Quality Index Report (EQx) as Vice Chair of the Foundation for Value Creation and author of several articles. The Elite Quality Index measures countries on whether their elite business models create sustainable value, rather than generate revenue from transfers and thus extract value from society. The reports were featured in leading media outlets, such as Negocios (PT), El País (SP), Economic Times (IN), The Business Times (SG), Handelsblatt (DE), Frankfurter Rundschau (DE), Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH) or Finanz und Wirtschaft (CH).
Global Market Expansion Services Report (DKSH)
Michael Hilb initiated and directed the research and publication of the Global Market Expansion Services Report (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014; on topics like digitalization, service innovation or emerging market multinationals in an effort to strengthen DKSH’s thought leadership position. The executive summaries have been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai and German and were featured in leading media outlets, such as The Straits Times (SG), Business Times (SG), Vietnam News (VN), Saigon Times (VN), Economic Times (HK), South China Morning Post (HK), The Star (MY), WirtschaftsWoche (DE) or Neue Zürcher Zeitung (CH).
International Standard Organization Reports (ISO)
Michael Hilb co-directed with Daniele Gerundino the development of the ISO methodology to assess the economic benefits of standardization and the publication of the ISO Methodology Report on Economic Benefits of Standardization (2009) and the ISO Report on Economic Benefits of Standardization in the Global Automotive Industry (2009).
World Bank Report
Michael Hilb co-directed with Florencia Roitstein a World Bank project to define the roles of companies in human capital development resulting in a report on The Role of Multinational Firms in Strengthening the Societal Fabric of Capability Development: A Case in Point (2005).
Michael Hilb has supervised more than 70 bachelor and master and 50 certification theses at the University of Fribourg, the University of St. Gallen and the University of Zurich.
Michael Hilb has been interviewed by various media and research institutions, such as the Wall Street Journal or The Economist Intelligence Unit.